Iglesia católica de Santa Ana

Ministerio de la Juventud
Contacte con el Director

Jóvenes de la escuela secundaria
Middle School students 6th-8th grade gather on the 1st and 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:30PM in the Learning Center room 202. During their gatherings they encounter prayer, ice breakers, lessons, service projects, and fellowship! For detailed information click the link to join our GroupMe parent chat!

Mudanzas de montaña
High school youth group gathers on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month to pray, learn, and meet other catholic teens within our parish! This group meets year-round and is opened to teens grades 9-12. For detailed information follow us on Instagram!
Hechos 29
The most recent addition to our ministry is our young adult group. This group centers on providing opportunities for young adults 18-30 years of age to encounter their faith through prayer services, faith studies, liturgy, fellowship and church life. Meet us on Fridays at 7pm in Learning Center Room 202!

Retiro en Steubenville
Del viernes 14 de julio al domingo 16 de julio
Costo: $300 por persona (Incluye transporte, comidas y alojamiento)
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El baile del Jardín del Edén