Saint Ann Catholic Church
Finance Council
The Finance Council is an advisory body to the Pastor and the Parish Business Manager in matters pertaining
to all financial aspects of the Parish. The Council is responsible for ensuring the parish operates with financial
integrity and within its financial resources. The pastor has responsibility for all decisions related to parish
activities including financial; however, he shall consider the special responsibilities and skills of the Finance
Council as it relates to all financial matters. The Parish Business Manager has responsibility for managing
the day-to-day financial operations and budgetary functions. The Council establishes the annual budget,
monitors revenues and expenses, and provides recommendations to the Pastor and the Business Manager on
all financial matters. The Finance Council meets monthly as part of its responsibilities to complete its mission.
The Finance Council is envisioned as a body of parishioners known for their spiritual maturity and love of
Christ and selected based upon competence in financial matters and business acumen, as well as a proven record
of prudent judgment. They offer their time and talent as a Christian service to assist the pastor in the development
and management of the parish’s financial resources so that the parish may effectively pursue its
basic mission of spreading Christ’s gospel and love. Please see the end of this report for a list of the current
members of the St Ann Finance Council.
For any questions or concerns contact Gerry Confreda x118
Meet The Council